Creaky Knees - Should You Be Worried?
Have you ever heard your knees click? Or felt them grind or pop?
If so, has this ever worried you?
Stretching before a run doesn't do anything!?!
Lightly warming up before you exercise is good, regularly stretching properly is excellent but what can happen if you only stretch before you exercise? Aevum Health tells you everything you need to know.
Tear me another one - muscle tears and middle age soccer
Heading into winter the most common injury we will see in the clinic by far are muscle tears by middle-aged soccer players. Aevum Health gives you all the details.
Heel pain in kids? What actually is sever's disease
Sever’s disease generally comes on gradually and the first signs are your child complaining of sore heels. Aevum Health explains everything you need to know about Sever’s Disease.