Physiotherapy and Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition affecting the central nervous system. MS is caused by a complex number of factors including genetics, viral infections and environmental factors including smoking, low vitamin-d and sunlight exposure as well as others. Epidemiology studies have also confirmed that the incidence of MS rises the further you move away from the equator. Closer to home research indicated that approximately 7 million people in Australia know someone with MS and 2.7 million people have a close friend or family member with the condition. This shows the level of prevalence in Australia and these numbers are further reflected here in the Sutherland Shire.

At Aevum we create an instant team around you. We are a multidisciplinary team, meaning within our clinic we have experienced clinicians covering Physio, Occupational therapy, Podiatry, Exercise Physiology, Dietetics, Speech pathology and Massage therapy to literally cover you from head to toe as a unified team working with you towards your specific NDIS goals.

There are a myriad of symptoms associated with MS and each individual is very specific in how the condition impacts their life. The symptoms are pretty well understood, however what is less understood is the benefit of a team approach between Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy and Exercise Physiology on these symptoms. After an initial assessment your Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist and Exercise Physiologist can create a tailored therapy program to address the unique factors that are most directly impacting your life.

These commonly include:

•        Improve or maintain current mobility levels

•        Postural and core strengthening

•        Practicing and developing transfer skills

•        Mitigating associated strength loss in both upper body and lower body

•        Balance and agility training

•        Upper limb dexterity and hand function

•        Exercise to improve fatigue and tolerances for activities of daily living

•        Home modifications

•        Functional assessments

•        Wheelchair assessment and recommendations

While not affecting everyone, thermoregulation or sensitivity to heat/cold can further exacerbate symptoms. This can also have an impact on your ability to exercise and therefore gain the benefits associated. For this reason, we invested in a commercial cryotherapy unit which means either prior, midway or at the end of your session we can quickly recline you in our recovery room with a cold/hear vest on to bring your temperature back to where you function best. This will help you to feel rejuvenated after the session or allow us to continue with the session and achieve the outcomes we are working on as a team together.

Every individual is unique to their tolerance to exercise initially and our approach is gentle to make sure you are able to continue on with your day and not feel too fatigued.

To find out more contact us on 02 85443231. We offer a free “Discovery session” to all NDIS participants in order to give you the opportunity to meet some of our team, tour our facility and discuss how we might be able to assist you in achieving your NDIS goals.




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